Friday, March 24, 2017

Why did the Reading Eagle ignore the death of this young woman?

Kaci Kunkel, in the Eagle
Fatal traffic accidents are rare and so terrible that the Reading Eagle should talk to friends and family to find out about the victims, and write stories to remind us of the horrible losses. 

Kudos for the long story -- nearly 1,000 words -- about Kaci Kunkel, who died in a single-car crash last weekend. 

Diohalbit, center, from Facebook
But why did no one follow up on the death of Diohalbit Colon-Lluberez, a woman I knew to be fun and charming. 

Why did the newspaper do no more than publish the police report and photo of the wrecked car for her?

1 comment:

  1. Good question, one you'd have to ask holy Harry, douchebag Dave or (little) prince Peter.
